Hello visitor,
My name is Lucas Schmat and I'm a Concept Artist/ Illustrator. I was born in Schneeberg in the Ore Mountains and currently live with my wife and daughter in Werder (Havel) near Berlin.
After completing my Game Design studies (B.Sc.), I worked for 8 years in the Art Department at Drakensang Online (a Massive multiplayer online role-playing game). During this time I had the opportunity to work in various areas. I was primarily responsible for creating and maintaining the user interface, developing concept art for characters and their equipment, and creating high and low poly 3D models of some of these concepts.
For the past few months I've also had the task of creating 2D icons for all kinds of gear and quest items. I also did illustrations for in-game events and marketing.
In my spare time, I am passionate about illustrating (fantasy) characters, ranging from cute to strange to sinister.
I just like to paint whatever comes to my mind.
If you are looking for support with an unusual illustration or character concept, you have come to the right place.
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